Batch upload is a service which allows you to upload a CSV (comma seperated values) file containing transactions to be processed. Each file is validated and queued for processing behind the scenes. Once completed, a batch can be download in CSV format containing the response of the transactions processed.
Request Format
Each file should meet the following requirements:
- First row should be a header using the fields below, fields can be in any order and not all fields are required.
- Each field should be wrapped in quotes and should not contain any quotes
- Each field should be seperated with a comma
- Each row should be terminated with a newline \n character.
Download example CSV: example.csv
When using a program like Excel or Numbers to create/edit the CSV, you will not need to put double quotes in the fields. You may however need to convert cells to a text format, instead of a number format. Make sure you export the final version as CSV.
Valid fields
Field Name | Required | Description |
transaction_type | Yes | One of the following: sale/authorize/credit |
cc_number | Yes - if credit card | CC Number |
cc_expiration | Yes - if credit card | CC Expiration Date |
cc_cvc | No | Optional unless your account requires CVC for processing |
ach_account_number | Yes - if ACH | ACH account number |
ach_routing_number | Yes - if ACH | ACH routing number |
ach_account_type | Yes - if ACH | "checking" or "savings" |
ach_sec_code | Yes - if ACH | SEC code: WEB/CCD/PPD |
customer_id | Yes if using customer vault | customer vault id to charge |
payment_method_type | No | card/ach if you will specificying a payment_method_id |
payment_method_id | No | The specific payment method on the referenced customer you are looking to charge. |
amount | Yes | Amount to process as integer. For example $1.00 should be 100 |
base_amount | No | Can be used instead of amount, but will have surcharge and tax added before processing |
surcharge | No | The amount to use for surcharge, this is included to amount. For example $1.00 should be 100 |
shipping_amount | No | Integer, should be included in Amount. For example $1.00 should be 100. |
tax_amount | No | Integer, should be included in Amount. For example $1.00 should be 100. |
discount_amount | No | Integer, should be included in Amount. For example $1.00 should be 100. |
surcharge_exempt | No | "true" or "false" if you want to exempt this transaction from having a surcharge applied |
order_id | No | 17 Alphanumeric characters for reference |
description | No | 100 Alphanumeric characters |
po_number | No | 17 Alphanumeric characters for reference |
tax_exempt | No | "true" or "false" default "false |
email_address | No | Email address to tag to the transaction, emails are not sent. |
email_receipt | No | "true" or "false" to send an email receipt |
processor_id | No | Processor ID to process the transaction, otherwise the default is used. |
billing_first_name | No | |
billing_last_name | No | |
billing_company | No | |
billing_address_line_1 | No | |
billing_address_line_2 | No | |
billing_city | No | |
billing_state | No | |
billing_postal_code | No | |
billing_country | No | |
billing_phone | No | |
billing_fax | No | |
billing_email | No | |
shipping_first_name | No | |
shipping_last_name | No | |
shipping_company | No | |
shipping_address_line_1 | No | |
shipping_address_line_2 | No | |
shipping_city | No | |
shipping_state | No | |
shipping_postal_code | No | |
shipping_country | No | |
shipping_phone | No | |
shipping_fax | No | |
shipping_email | No |
Response Format
API Endpoints
Upload a file
curl -v \
-H "Authorization: APIKEY" \
-F "file=@<FILENAME>" \
"status": "success",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"id": "bj1o70m9ku6fr2s21fig",
"file_name": "testfile.csv",
"status": "pending",
"num_lines": 1,
"created_at": "2019-04-26T22:17:38.078185288Z",
"updated_at": "2019-04-26T22:17:38.078185288Z"
function uploadFile() {
var myHeaders = new Headers()
myHeaders.append('Authorization', apiKey)
var formdata = new FormData()
formdata.append('file', 'testBatch.csv')
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: formdata,
redirect: 'follow'
fetch('', requestOptions)
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((result) => {
if (result.status === 'success') {
// handle success
var batchId =
} else {
// handle non success
.catch((error) => console.log('error', error))
Batch status
curl -v \
-H "Authorization: APIKEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"<batch id>"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "bj1o70m9ku6fr2s21fig",
"user_id": "bj1o70m9ku6fr2s21fig",
"file_name": "testfile.csv",
"status": "pending", // 'unknown', 'pending', 'queued', 'processing', 'failed' or 'completed'
"num_lines": 1,
"processed_lines": 1,
"created_at": "2019-04-26T22:17:38.078185288Z",
"updated_at": "2019-04-26T22:17:38.078185288Z"
Only batches that are in completed status can be downloaded. After 10 days, batch results will no longer be available.
curl -v \
-H "Authorization: APIKEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"<batch id>/download"
This will stream the batch results if successful. Otherwise an error will be returned like so:
"status": "failed",
"msg": "batch is not in completed status",
"data": null